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Looking for a doctor? It’s difficult to choose a physician. To help you find an experienced, capable doctor in the Tampa Bay area, we asked more than 11,260 physicians practicing in Hillsborough, Pinellas and Pasco counties to nominate the peers they believe stand out from the rest. Scroll down to see this year’s Top Doctors.
Top Doctors: Joseph Greco, M.D.
Greco Hair Restoration offers over six decades of experience in hair. This 3-generation family business is a comprehensive and specialized hair restoration center that offers a broad range of treatment options including medical, non-surgical, surgical, and advanced regenerative therapies.
Read more about Top Doctors: Joseph Greco, M.D.
Doctors of Distinction
Dr. Joseph Greco is a third-generation hair transplant surgeon following in the footsteps of his grandfather, Dr. Joseph Greco, Sr.—a pioneer in the field—and his father, Joseph Greco, PhD, PAC, a world-renowned hair transplant surgeon based in Sarasota for over three decades.
Read more about Doctors of Distinction
InHealth: Mohs Micrographic Surgery
Earning the name from its pioneer, Dr. Frederic Mohs, the Mohs micrographic surgery procedure involves surgically removing skin cancer that we can clinically see in precise, thin layers and then microscopically examining it to make sure there’s no residual tumor remaining.
Read more about InHealth: Mohs Micrographic Surgery
InHealth: What is Regenerative Dermatology?
Regenerative dermatology refers to a field of innovative therapies that target skin aging, hair loss, wound repair and scar reduction through tissue regeneration and repair at the cellular level.
Read more about InHealth: What is Regenerative Dermatology?
Dr. Joe Greco, Greco Dermatology
Meet third-generation medical provider, Dr. Joe Greco.
Read more about Dr. Joe Greco, Greco Dermatology
Does sunscreen prevent tanning?
Sunscreen won't prevent all skin damage or tanning — protect yourself with these dermatologist-backed tips.
Read more about Does sunscreen prevent tanning?
Vicky Greco, Aesthetic Director
Vicky Greco is the Aesthetic Director at Greco Dermatology where her skills perfectly complement the dermatology, hair restoration and regenerative medicine practices at Greco Dermatology and Greco Medical Group.
Read more about Vicky Greco, Aesthetic Director
A current affair
ONLY in the beauty world would something akin to electroshock therapy have a waitlist. And a $300 price tag. But microcurrent facials have acquired near-mythical status among the Hollywood and fashion crowds and are now making their way into the mainstream.
Read more about A current affair
Top sunscreen? New report ranks best
To get protection from the sun’s damaging rays, you won't have to dig deep in your wallet this summer. One of the most effective sunscreens on store shelves is also one of the least expensive, according to a new Consumer Reports study.
Read more about Top sunscreen? New report ranks best
Going skin-deep
There is a whole lot of sanding, planing and buffing going on -- in bathrooms coast to coast. The work isn’t to improve the home, but the skin, through the magic of over-the-counter microdermabrasion kits.
Read more about Going skin-deep